This happens sometimes. The place that was hiring reviews their finances one last time before they send over the paperwork and find out they don't actually have the money to pay you. They do actually need someone but they have to figure out how they're going to finance it before they can actually take you on. Sometimes the job reappears. Sometimes they end up deciding to "make do" and the job never reappears.
This has happened to me before too. Unfortunately, there's no recourse for it. But trust me, unless you have nerves of adamantine and the emotional conntrol and logic of Mr Spock, bank call centers are ROUGH. It might be a blessing in disguise. Mind, I assume it was a call center position, since you didn't state.
I agree.. perhaps you wouldn't have wanted that gig anyway. Frustrating nonetheless and honestly I've found Kelly Services to be a bit hit or miss. I had an OK experience sub teaching with them, but others have had crappy experiences using them for temping.
Comments 5
If it was just verbal... it's a tough situation.
This happens sometimes. The place that was hiring reviews their finances one last time before they send over the paperwork and find out they don't actually have the money to pay you. They do actually need someone but they have to figure out how they're going to finance it before they can actually take you on. Sometimes the job reappears. Sometimes they end up deciding to "make do" and the job never reappears.
Sux, don't it? :(
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