Taki: Team of Dolls in Tokyo brings you: Momoko Mission 3!!!!! (Momokoお買い物大作戦sp3) Kula: Unlimited Momoko Works~~~~~~~~~~~~! Yuri: Very huge pic spam after the jump. Kula: These pics kinda sums up what we did for our trip as well~~~~~~~~
Chibi Helen: Need to fill up a survey form as well. As far as we know from google translate. This fair is to celebrate Sekiguchi Momoko's 10th anniversary as well as preview the next line of related dolls. Various craft and sales booths were involved, at which we picked up some clothes and shoes. d (^_^) b
Flight Stewardess: Thank you for flying Air Momoko.
Kula: Oooh archery. The latest range of Azone stuff and bodies was on sale was on sale as well.
Kula: We kinda notice that the various craft booth have kimonos on sale.
Taki: These two girls are Ruruko, They are the counterpart to XS Pureneemo (22cm) in a Momoko to Obitsu kind of way
Madame Momoko: Madame Momoko sees a Momoko in your future~~~~ (Yes this be a Pulip Luka Megurine outfit I wearing)
Kula: Oooh Ooh!!! furniture!!! Chibi Helen: We can't get them until we get the doll shelf ready.
Kula: A bear there was a bear. She's a Ruruko dress up there!
Chibi Helen: Either they were selling custom made boy Momokos for the fair or there were potentially boy Momokos in the line some point in the future. This part we did not enquire.
Chibi Helen: Not entirely sure why I didn't buy this dress for myself or Erika to share.... >_<'
Taki: Whatdoya mean this isn't our hotel?!
Yuri: This is a diorama area for visitors to shoot their dolls. There is suppose to be a Momoko photo contest online at their site.
Obi-Chun: A qipao from 手作り工房ViVi. It fits m M-bust Obitsu snugly. I like this a lot. Thank you very much.