Though the rain had ended some time ago, now, Rahne hadn't yet been able to shake the feeling that she had to take advantage of being outside while she could, as if the weather might suddenly change on them all over again. She'd never much cared for this heat, but at least in it, getting out and doing things was actually possible, whereas she'd
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The splash had brought her back to reality, though she couldn't quite say who or what had made it until the redheaded girl surfaced. Raising a hand in greeting, she smiled in return.
"Hullo! Taking a wee bit of a dip, eh?"
Besides, focusing on that wasn't quite so important as the realization that the girl, a stranger, seemed to be speaking with a dialect similar to her own. The number of Scots she knew of on the island amounting to just her and Moira, it was hard not to be curious. "That's some accent ye've got."
Lowering her hand, Amy kicked her bare feet slightly splashing up a tiny bit of water. It was tempting to go the whole hog and just dive right in but the idea of went pants was sort of foul. Maybe another day she could talk Rory into skinny dipping.
"Could say the same thing for you," she teased with a smile on her face. "Not that it's bad. More of us are needed."
She imagined she would have heard about it, the island being as small as it was, if anyone she knew had come across a red-haired Scottish girl who looked to be about her own age. They weren't features it was hard to miss.
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