I've come to the conclusion that my food budget is rampantly out of control and chalk full of pork that can be trimmed to go to better uses...
I was spending roughly 150$ a week on foodies with the ocassional spike if i was spotting someone else for foodies too.. I'm going to try and see if I can limit that to 35$ a week for just me..
officaly - Not Single.. things are great ^.^ Birthday - was good, small group of friends, everyone <3'd, got a lab coat for my birthday
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I've never tasted sushi so good.. and I'm a sushi junky! My director @ work is japanese and her mom made sushi for a party. The Inari and Futamaki was the yummiest ever!
Yah know.. for the most part I am great and fun to be with.. but I know I come with dumb things to deal with as part of the package deal... I'll say things or just do something that is just dumb and make you go WTF
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Yah know.. work has got to be one of the dumbest ideas ever invented... but I guess if I didn't have to drag my ass to somewhere I hated I wouldn't appreicate the good times I have with my buddies on my down time... sooo meh
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So me and some coworkers are returning from work and driving in our little office parking lot... and this cunt in an oversized white SUV almost barrels into us even tho we have the right of way going straight in her mad dash to park her oversized junk... I swear her nose was so high up in the air you could see into her pea-sized brain
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