Hi! This journal is friends-only, but that's just a precautionary measure. I will almost certainly let you read it if you post a comment here. Hope to hear from you.
Hmm. I just realized that you added "_kinetic" not "__kinetic." (Mine has two underscores. :x) I was wondering why I hadn't seen you update in a while. =\
I haven't ever really talked to you but I want to. I know your Robin's good friend and she's going to introduce me to you sometime. I also know that I saw you twice in the past week and didn't talk to you and regret it. What I'm trying to say is that I would like to read your journal.
Ummmm, I'm TJ. I'm an eighth grader. Friend of Robin's because I know her brother. I love FLCL, and The Pillows. I waste too much of my life on the computer. Oh yeah, and school is stupid. Espescially when your teachers act like they are smart and know better than you when they don't. That's the only way I can describe myself right now because I don't know myself. Other people know more about me than I do probably.
Oh, hey TJ! I remember you. Sure, I'll add you right on. Sorry, I just have to be sure about who I give access because sometimes I write things about people I don't want them to know I wrote. I'm sure I can trust you though.
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