you know that song by moby that says, "in my dreams i am dying..." anyway, i have dreams that i die a lot. that's besides the point. i've never had a dream that you've died. so it's totally untrue. hope you're doing well. love brie
you can't die, who else will watch Happy Tree Friends and Salad Fingers with me? No one else thinks they are funny. Serve your purpose and live till this summer. :D
Comments 5
you know that song by moby that says, "in my dreams i am dying..."
anyway, i have dreams that i die a lot.
that's besides the point. i've never had a dream
that you've died.
so it's totally untrue.
hope you're doing well.
love brie
Jon, I hope you're joking, man, because you make me laugh, and anyone who makes me laugh deserves to live.
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