Anyone who missed out on Superior Spider-man due to snobbery needs to get rid of their Spidey possesions. That shit. WAS. SOLID. A damn fine run. I just finished it earlier tonight, and honestly, I wish it could have gone on longer
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Anyone else go to a "gifted school" or "gifted program?" What the hell were they really about? I went to those things and nothing in those programs ever really stuck with me/stands out. Seemed like a waste. Of course maybe I was the one who wasted it?
So the twitter thing stopped working in may? or maybe i haven't been tweetering enough. Gonna have to move out this house. But instead of packing i am facebooking and LJ'ing.
Any pokemon nerds need stuff? I have an assload of magby's, skarmony's, scyther's and other things i want to get rid of. '