so do i, i don't think i'm any closer to deciding what i want to do now, than i was last year. i mean, good for people who know what they want to do, but i don't think i can choose what i want to do for the rest of my life within this next semester.....and as things tend to be, thats usually the least of my worries =p...........ahhh life
i think i need to make a list of goals and list of dreams. write it all down and go from there. from one undecide student to another.. what do you think?
Re: i feel ya..
November 8 2005, 02:56:22 UTC
i think you should definitely do that...if nothing else, it gets ya thinkin'. and write down what you're good at and what you like too...i don't like cutting people open, so i can probably eliminate surgeon from my list, haha.
we definitely need to help each other....i get so overwhelmed just trying to think about that!
it has been too longswschmoNovember 7 2005, 06:33:30 UTC
how are you doing it has been awhile since i have had the pleasure of talking to you...hope college is treating you well and good luck w/ the major thing...(do what makes you happy!)
Comments 5
We gotta help eachother figure things out!
we definitely need to help each other....i get so overwhelmed just trying to think about that!
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