Dec 01, 2015 20:33
Feel like I'm living in the House of Usher,
in the body of Dorian Grey portrait.
Just a way of saying both are steadily falling apart, and i may need lighter literature.
Apr 16, 2012 17:13
but blog about 100 things of...what?
I'm a hermit, getting more hermity by the day, with 30-60 minutes per week day to stop an think.
Don't read, don't watch tv, don't go to movies, don't listen to music.
What to blog?
Blog is to write about things, events, people, experiences of interest to others
What to blog?
Oct 27, 2011 12:48
More important stuff to post but no time.
But for some lightness: LJ community Vintage_ads.
Seriously. This is going to be my Cake Wrecks--something amusing to pop up and make me laugh, or gasp OMG, or "SHIT! I remember that ad oh crap I'm old!" (Halloween Coke ad.)
BTW, Vintage does mean 1980's as well.
Now feel REEAALLLYYY old.
Oct 20, 2011 09:08
Need to write to dear friends, for whom I worry and care.
Tired and unsure of myself and my words this week.
But am thinking of you, and want to know more--and support more.
Oct 07, 2011 22:56
One of the featured LJ communities this week--have any of you visited?
I'm not *super* fond of crawlies...but they have some beautiful posts--and of course, the usual cheezburger style posts.
Spiders are becoming the new LOLcatz.