The rules should be pretty self explanatory for the most part, but it never hurts to actually write them out, does it?
- Show your fellow players respect at all times. It is encouraged to try to resolve issues between players privately, but if you feel you cannot solve it yourself, please contact a mod.
- Do not spam the boards or the chat. What constitutes as spam is pretty obvious, but for clarification: we don't want to see twenty posts in a day from the same characters.
- Tag all entries correctly. With either original (character name) or template (character name) depending on the version you use. This is kind of a courtesy for other players so they can find threads easier.
- While we appreciate the fact that you might have read the rules, the mod team would appreciate it if players didn't take reminding other players of the rules into their own hands. No posting a "friendly reminder" about any sort of disobeying of the rules on the OOC board. The mod team is ready and willing to help you, should it come to that.
- Big!Text posts are allowed, but it's advised that all big text is placed under a cut to spare friend pages. If your character wouldn't cut it themselves, then "Not Cut IC" is a good text to place for the LJ-cut.
- Do not do anything to another mun's characters without the mun's permission. Common courtesy, and to do otherwise would be godmodding.
- No OCs. Sorry, guys.
- In your profile, please post a copy of your application (please exclude sample entries), as well as the following stats: residence - at least the district, but also the type of home if you'd like - and marked status, or put the basic identifying stats (name, fandom, version, age, gender, residence, marked/unmarked) and a link to an entry with the full information from the application. You will know if you are marked immediately with the acceptance email.
- Follow the instructions in the acceptance email closely or you will not be approved for membership into the communities. We're not kidding about this. ESPECIALLY SINCE EACH ACCEPTANCE EMAIL COMES COMPLETE WITH LINKS FOR YOU TO CLICK TO GO TO THE PLACES YOU NEED.
Game Specific
- The city does exist on three different levels, but under no circumstances are characters able to access the third level. The digital and physical levels are perfectly accessible, but the third is not.
- While two versions of a character can exist in Template at the same time, if the Template version of a character has not been apped, no character will be able to randomly say, "I saw such-and-such today, but s/he/it ignored me!"
- Yes, certain characters come into the game marked, and yes, some characters may be marked in different ways as the game goes on, but please do not ask the mod team to mark your character.
- When planning game-wide plots, please seek any one of the modstaff for approval before going forward with it.
- Your character will not be limited in power initially once they arrive in Template, but if they kill another character they will be punished for three weeks. If they destroy a building, they will suffer instant karma (for instance, if your character breaks a window, the broken glass will cut your character). However, you MUST receive permission from the mods before you kill a character or go around destroying buildings.
- If you wish to have an NPC in your thread, please ask a mod to approve it. The information any mod will need is what type of NPC, and your intent for them in the thread.
- If you have read these rules, please put "The city does exist" at the beginning of your application.
- There is a character limit of 5 characters. Mods will consider allowing a player to pick up more based on their activity. As far as series limits go, only 3 characters per series. No hogging series!
- Remember to read the FAQ for a more detailed explanation on the second level and game specifics.
- When posting to the logs community, please use the following heading on the posts:
† |
main |
logs |
ooc |
plot |
rules |
premise |
specifics |
setting |
feedback |
reserves |
taken |
apply |
faq |
housing |
ic news |
contact |
flist |
hiatus |
drop |
monthly events †