secretly a reef rat: notes

Jun 16, 2011 20:54

secretly a reef rat: notes
by templemarker

part I | part II | part III | masterpost | notes

Notes as of April 3, 2011:

Okay, first of all, when I started this prompt I thought, "Ha, that's great, I can run that off in an hour, la la la!"

It didn't quite go like that. Every time I thought I was hitting a funny line to end on, something would happen and there would just be more. More characters, more stories, more ways these two fandoms could overlap. This, to me, is a true fusion, where you overlay the boundaries of two universes so that they're occupying the same space, so all the same things can be explained and understood on both sides. (As opposed to a crossover, where the boundaries of each universe is very well respected, to show the shadows and differences between them.)

All the comments and encouragement and joy people have gotten out of this story let me break all my weird fannish rules--never post a WIP, never post on a meme, never ever start a story with a /? in the line. You have all made breaking those rules one of the most delightful fannish things I've ever done. Thank you all for that.

This will be reposted on my journal, but only after a beta process, because apparently I subconsciously want to torture verb tenses like it's the new hot thing. Either way, I hope you've all enjoyed this story as much as I've enjoyed writing it.

And now for some visual references:

this is my notebook. See all those tabs on the side? I had to start using those tabs when I was furiously writing down reef rat notes in between all the other things. About 2/3 of those tabs are just for reef rat.

and this is when I knew I was fucked--when I had to write out a chronology and start a new notebook because this story had grown from an amusing one-off kinkmeme fill to something significantly more complex.

this is an excellent reference for reef rat Arthur:

and this is Eames, though Eames needs no reference. he's just fucking fantastic all the time.

I know it's a bit difficult to think of them both smiling, especially at each other, but hey, it's my self-indulgence thousands of words of what effectively amounts to fluff. they shall grin ridiculously at each other, and then commence with the dirty talk in inappropriate places.


Notes as of June 13, 2011:

This has taken forever to get cleaned up and posted; for those waiting to read it off the meme, thanks for your patience. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

A quick note about timeline--this is in some kind of nebulous future a couple of years from where Hawaii 5-0 canon currently is and never really took into account the actual event of the show's first season, beyond the framing device of Steve McGarrett's life. I kind of figured that at some point Danny and Steve would figure their shit out and then Steve would suddenly wake up and realize what normal family was like, and then--shit--he's been an awful older sibling! Because guilt complexes look really great on him.

And a note about the crossovers--you may have noticed I like to sneak them in there. They're little easter eggs, in my mind. You may have gotten the one for Blue Crush, and Inception people probably got the three references in there to Rocknrolla. I have actually seen several different Inception stories with an OMC called Paolo, and I did my Paolo without realizing that he apparently exists like a ghost in the machine. Someone should write about him and his aweome adventures.

It is possible, but unlikely, that I will write a Rocknrolla sequel to this story where Arthur and Eames toddle off to Britain to meet the wild bunch; in lieu of my flaky writing ability, here are some highly reccommended stories to read where that happens:

.|. he is the wild bunch by liketheroad. Distantly, Eames can almost appreciate that he’s being fought over, ridiculous as that sounds, given that Arthur is involved, given that One Two never really wanted him anyway. But there’s too much at stake to have any real fun with it.

.|. we can't change the past by soxdamnxcute. cobb has a smile on his face as well and receives a hug of his own from the man.

.|. Sand & Stones & Bricks & Rocks by gollumgollum. Brendan Frye is dead. Handsome Bob doesn't exist anymore. Unfortunately, neither Arthur's nor Eames's subconscious agrees. <--This, to my mind, is what would happen if they went to Britain, only with a different Arthur backstory. Amazing. A++++++.


Thanks for playing along. <3

part I | part II | part III | masterpost | notes

secretly a reef rat, danny/steve, inception, arthur/eames, hawaii 5-0, will write for pancakes

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