Your results: You are Will Riker Will Riker 65% Deanna Troi 65% Worf 60% Jean-Luc Picard 55% James T. Kirk (Captain) 50% Mr. Scott 50% Chekov 50% Uhura 50% Geordi LaForge 45% Mr. Sulu 35% Data 32% Leonard McCoy (Bones) 25% Spock 19% Beverly Crusher 15% An Expendable Character (Redshirt) 0%
At times you are self-centered but you have
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So yeah. Few years ago, actually...close to 5 or 6 now, I bought a laptop for about a grand, with the money from my first ever yearly bonus check at what is now Solix, Inc
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So the nutjob who wants 'under God' stricken from everything governmental...(And somewhere I'll find the discussion I read about how the 'separation of church and state' does not bar prayer and religious references from public works or was never intended to. Separation of church and state means simply that there should be no state-run
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So. Apparently, seventh graders believe that I am so utterly stupid that I won't get suspicious at all when they do the WRONG PAGE for homework, then suddenly HAVE the correct homework when it's time to pass up work
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