If you would like to apply for membership, this is the right place to be! Just a few quick reminders (some repeated from the profile page) before you apply.
Could you post a link to another of your Division 10 fics, if you'd be so kind? X3 Since I'm currently the only manager for the community, and I don't generally read citrus, I'd appreciate it very much. ^^; Thank you, and sorry for the trouble!
After much debating, we regret to say that your application has been rejected. If you would like details on our decision, feel free to reply to this comment, and we will send you an e-mail. If you would like to edit your entry and resubmit for reconsideration, please do so.
OH, I have read your story before, and remember really enjoying it. Application accepted - please follow the "click here to join" link in the bio, and I will add you. ^^
I very much like the idea for the story, but I would love to see it edited some before accepting. If you'd like to re-apply, feel free to send your drabble to a beta-reader or editor, and then resubmit. Thank you!
(Sorry for the double posting! I just realized I forgot to change the link names...)
Applications! Eeek!
I'm more of a lurker by nature, and figured at first that I'd just lurk and read the fic here, as I usually do... but what the heck! It would be nice to know that I could post when/if I do manage to drag myself out of the usual lurker mode. :) So I shall throw myself upon your mercy. Yay!
YAY! I'm a huge fan of "Frozen Sky" (it's one of my favorite ongoing Bleach stories right now), and I am quite excited that you've applied. :) Application accepted, along with membership. Please click here to join the community so that you can become a full member. :D
After much debating, we regret to say that your application has been rejected. However, since we quite like the idea behind your story and elements of your writing, if you have it edited and resubmit, then we would be more than willing to reconsider membership.
Comments 48
Here's a link to my writing journal: Inner Kyuubi
My ff.net profile: sharingank
Story: In Which Walls Speak -Note: This is a lemon, so it probably isn't worksafe.
Other RanHitsu stories I've written can be found here: HitsuMatsu Community
That should give you a pretty good idea of my style when writing Bleach related pieces. ^^
Here you go, hon. Kissing Lesson
Thank you!
Division 10 Management
Thanks for the opportunity to apply!
FF.net: Veglma
Fanfiction: Kissing Under the Missletoe! Note: It just a PG-13ish. XD
I will do that. ^_^
Applications! Eeek!
I'm more of a lurker by nature, and figured at first that I'd just lurk and read the fic here, as I usually do... but what the heck! It would be nice to know that I could post when/if I do manage to drag myself out of the usual lurker mode. :) So I shall throw myself upon your mercy. Yay!
Link to my profile page at ff.net: Jedi Boadicea
Direct link to the main Hitsugaya story there: Frozen Sky
Writing journal: shinigami_wands
Story: "Not Medea" [HitsuMatsu] Worksafe.
Any other fic of my has been posted at hitsumatsu, because I simply love 10th Division love.
Thank you!
Division 10 Management
Division 10 Management
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