#1 / Tales of Blog Crews

Jan 07, 2007 15:54

Thought I'd start some Tales blog crews of my own out of boredom...so join if you'd like. X3

First come first serve~

Please only one character per person per game. :D You are NOT limited to just the characters listed, if there's a character I forgot/didn't put, you may choose them as well. =)

Remember just copy an paste the code provided (of course replacing 'your character' with the char name) in your LJ Profile or wherever you keep your blog crews posted.

Tales of the Abyss

Luke ☆ adversity
Tear ☆ fadedsocks
Guy ☆ lianchini
Jade ☆ gojyo
Anise ☆ teracia
Natalia ☆ ella_mornet
Asch ☆ glitteringloke

Ion ☆ spork_ness
Mieu ☆ hitsuuji
Van ☆ nerpin
Legretta/Regret ☆ zethel
Dist ☆ fluorite
Sync ☆ nyanko_chan
Arietta ☆ less
Largo ☆ [open]
Peony ☆ sokari_kurari
Nephry ☆ legretta
Noelle ☆ chibisub
Florian ☆ koushii
Frings ☆ mitsukiame
Noir ☆ [open]
Nebilim ☆ oddrang
Ginji ☆ reffrain

『TALES OF THE ABYSS ☆ your character

TALES OF THE ABYSS http://teracia.livejournal.com/224325.html">your character

Tales of Symphonia

Lloyd ☆ lianchini
Colette ☆ mitsukiame
Genis ☆ sakura738
Kratos ☆ ozette
Raine ☆ aurturius
Sheena ☆ teracia
Zelos ☆ spork_ness
Presea ☆ hatefulsarang
Regal ☆ ella_mornet

Yggdrasill/Mithos ☆ sokari_kurari
Martel ☆ roxora
Yuan ☆ dtn
Pronyma ☆ lil_skitty
Forcystus ☆ [open]
Magnius ☆ [open]
Kvar ☆ [open]
Rodyle ☆ [open]
Botta ☆ [open]
Tabatha ☆ sha_chan
Seles ☆ kanthia

Undine ☆ [open]
Volt ☆ [open]
Efreet ☆ [open]
Celsius ☆ zethel
Sylph ☆ [open]
Gnome ☆ [open]
Luna ☆ flavoredglove
Shadow ☆ [open]
Origin ☆ [open]
Maxwell ☆ [open]
Noishe ☆ oddrang

『TALES OF SYMPHONIA ☆ your character

TALES OF SYMPHONIA http://teracia.livejournal.com/224325.html">your character


blog crews, tales of the abyss, tales of symphonia

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