#2; BLEACH, Code Geass, and Tales of...Blog Crews

Apr 18, 2007 14:02

Well I think we all know how these work. Paste the code I provided or make your own to put somewhere for others to see (User Info, or an LJ Post~). Claim only ONE from each blog crew. And that's all there is to it~ :D The recipe one was korekara's idea THAT I STOOOOOOLE...with permission? ;D Thanks again. ♥ XD

REQUEST!: When claiming a ToA or ToS title, it'd be most appreciated if you named what character the title was for also, because I sometimes forget (especially ToS since it's been awhile), and I don't want to always have to search for them. So if you would do that for me you get a cookie! ♥ :D


→BLEACH; Zanpakutou
[Benihime] ↔ xhimitsuaiyoku
[Fujikujaku] ↔ zethel
[Haineko] ↔ the_firefly
[Hisagomaru] ↔ vocalnomiko
[Hyourinmaru] ↔ teracia
[Kyouka Suigetsu] ↔ juleh
[Nejibana] ↔ synch
[Senbon Zakura] ↔ dtn
[Shinsou] ↔ lithiumkitsune
[Sode no Shirayuki] ↔ lysberries
[Sougyo no Kotowari] ↔ tehseto
[Tobiume] ↔ ankariusui
[Wabisuke] ↔ sabaku_no_chibi
[Zabimaru] ↔ nikkitsu

[BLEACH; Zanpakutou http://teracia.livejournal.com/262504.html">YOUR CLAIM]
[BLEACH; Zanpakutou ☆ YOUR CLAIM]

→Code Geass
[Euphemia Li Britannia] ↔ lysberries
[Kallen Stadtfeld] ↔ the_firefly
[Kururugi Suzaku] ↔ nikkitsu
[Lelouch Lamperouge] ↔ teracia
[Lloyd Asplund] ↔ gojyo
[Schneizel El Britannia] ↔ zethel

[Code Geass http://teracia.livejournal.com/262504.html">YOUR CLAIM]
[Code Geass ☆ YOUR CLAIM]

→Tales of the Abyss; Recipes
[Cake] ↔ toxicatedpoison
[Curry] ↔ vocalnomiko
[Egg Bowl] ↔ fufuberrysoda
[Fried Rice] ↔ gojyo
[Fruit Cocktail] ↔ adversity
[Miso Stew] ↔ synch
[Pasta] ↔ korekara
[Pizza] ↔ teazer7
[Strawberry Mix] ↔ teracia
[Strawberry Shortcake] ↔ noirrac
[Sushi] ↔ skitzoheartless

[Tales of the Abyss; Recipes http://teracia.livejournal.com/262504.html">YOUR CLAIM]
[Tales of the Abyss; Recipes ☆ YOUR CLAIM]

→Tales of the Abyss; Titles
[Berserker] ↔ karinexe
[Lost Child] ↔ korekara
[Towel Boy] ↔ skitzoheartless
[Vagabond Son] ↔ nerpin
[Viscount] ↔ reffrain
[Wild Saber] ↔ toxicatedpoison

[Cool Chick] ↔ isxelle
[Locrian Colonel] ↔ noirrac
[Monster Collector] ↔ upheld
[Proud Maid] ↔ nuit_doree

[Doctor Mambo] ↔ sabaku_no_chibi
[Emperor's Best Friend] ↔ vocalnomiko
[Evil Fonist?] ↔ lysberries
[Father of Fomicry] ↔ kimivalkyrie
[Necromancer] ↔ fufuberrysoda
[Resort King] ↔ gojyo

[Blade Master] ↔ ankariusui
[Dashing Gent] ↔ satoasato
[Friend for Life] ↔ akai_kitsune
[Good Spirits] ↔ lostcelesti
[Hopeless Dreamer] ↔ teracia
[Naughty Devil] ↔ zethel
[Sigmund Tactician] ↔ synch

[Childish] ↔ adversity
[Little Devil] ↔ nikkitsu
[Not a Kid] ↔ servantrider

[Beloved Princess] ↔ chicken_ranger
[Child of Lanvaldear] ↔ teazer7

[Abyss Silver] ↔ glitteringloke
[Loving Son] ↔ aoisita
[God-General] ↔ ladyranmaru

[Tales of the Abyss; Titles http://teracia.livejournal.com/262504.html">YOUR CLAIM]
[Tales of the Abyss; Titles ☆ YOUR CLAIM]

→Tales of Phantasia
[Arche Klaine] ↔ korekara
[Chester Barklight] ↔ teracia
[Cless Alvein] ↔ dtn
[Dhaos] ↔ zethel
[Klarth F. Lester] ↔ glitteringloke
[Mint Adnade] ↔ lazuli_reikou
[Mirald] ↔ ryin_ryuiji
[Suzu Fujibayashi] ↔ ankariusui

[Tales of Phantasia http://teracia.livejournal.com/262504.html">YOUR CLAIM]
[Tales of Phantasia ☆ YOUR CLAIM]

→Tales of Symphonia; Recipes
[Beef Stew] ↔ korekara
[Fried Rice] ↔ teracia
[Fruit Cocktail] ↔ ryin_ryuiji
[Sandwich] ↔ gojyo
[Shortcake] ↔ synch
[Steak] ↔ nerpin

[Tales of Symphonia; Recipes http://teracia.livejournal.com/262504.html">YOUR CLAIM]
[Tales of Symphonia; Recipes ☆ YOUR CLAIM]

→Tales of Symphonia; Titles

[Fair Lady] ↔ lysberries

[Katz Katz Katz] ↔ ankariusui
[Study Harder!] ↔ ryin_ryuiji

[Conqueror] ↔ synch
[Dad] ↔ korekara
[Judgement] ↔ lostcelesti

[Never Say Never] ↔ noirrac

[Master Summoner] ↔ servantrider
[WOW!] ↔ teracia

[Cassanova] ↔ tehseto
[Loudmouth] ↔ gojyo
[Narcissist] ↔ nerpin
[Pickup Artist] ↔ niffe

[Fragile Shield] ↔ upheld
[Little Madam] ↔ sakura_201


[Tales of Symphonia; Titles http://teracia.livejournal.com/262504.html">YOUR CLAIM]
[Tales of Symphonia; Titles ☆ YOUR CLAIM]

blog crews

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