Title: Holding On Pairing: Dean/Castiel Word Count: ~700 Rating: PG Summary: Dean says yes and Castiel can’t manage to let go. Author's Notes: Written for spn_30snapshots, prompt #22 from A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words table.
This is a very sad and somewhat bitter story - and I really hope S5 does not end like that, please, please, please, Kripke!! I believe Castiel indeed would stay on earth given the choice in the end. Him and Sam being alienated but still both caring for what is left of Dean is - I know I keep repeating myself - is very sad ;(
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I believe Castiel indeed would stay on earth given the choice in the end. Him and Sam being alienated but still both caring for what is left of Dean is - I know I keep repeating myself - is very sad ;(
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