Title: Rain and Metal
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: They belong to Johnny's, not me.
Summary: This is when Sho and Nino first kissed.
Author's note: I guess saying sorry is not enough for my long absence^^; But seriously guys; new apartment, no internet. I've prepared more stories, I just need to find how to end it. I hope you enjoy this one.
“I thought the aftertaste of a kiss should taste like the lips of the person you kiss.. )
Comments 20
thank you for updating it....
I enjoyed it, of course!
Thanks for sharing!! (^ ^)
I know how it feels without no internet D: I wouldn't be able to survive without it a whole day even nowadays XD
Update soon~ Of course whenever you have time :D
Thanks for this! ^^
Welcome back!!
(I hope you're moving in thing happened without too much troubles!)
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