Sam had yet to realize the disaster that the island had forced on most people here. He'd spend most of Saturday by himself and was up early today for a run and then to study outside of the clinic. Dr. Magnus had given him a list of books to read and some work to do for prepping to become a doctor. Sam knew that he had a long, long road ahead of
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After the horrors which had taken place the previous day, secrets upon secrets spilling from her lips and those of others, she had resolved to get through the ordeal without letting a single additional grain of rice tip the scale. She was feeling pretty bad about the way things progressed, and found it difficult to keep her chin up, but life had to progress as usual, and she had plenty of classes and even a desk job with the IPD to keep her busy. That morning, she was just stepping out to enjoy a mug of coffee away from the potentially dangerous and triggering crowd at the Compound, when she spotted Sam Witwicky and decided, of all people, he was probably safe to hang around.
When he asked for a pen, without looking up to see who it was, she bit back a laugh, but held out one of the many pens she always kept on her, just in case, and tapped the end of his nose with the tip.
"And here I thought I was pretty set, knowing 'Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes,'" Claire joked, brow raising. "Aside from that, I uh... know that the butt is the glutimus maximus. And that there's a humerus bone in our arms, not related to the funny bone. Not sure these two facts are the most useful, though."
"I still don't k ow if I'm doing this because I want to, or if I just want to matter."
Pulling her gaze away from her feet, she tilts her head. "And honestly, wanting to matter isn't a bad thing. I know I wonder if I matter here at least once a day. Especially when I'm doing desk work."
"What if I was hoping to hook me a honey in pre-med and then drop out to become a trophy husband?"
"If you were hoping for either of those things, I would be very disappointed," she said honestly, laughing at the ridiculousness of the notion. "Also, the competition for trophy spouse might be a little higher on the island. Everyone's so gorgeous."
"Not that it's made it all that difficult for me to land a ridiculously attractive girlfriend. Maybe I am the trophy boyfriend and don't know it."
"On the other hand, I think anyone who contents themselves with me will have to get used to the fact that I'm always going to be short and tiny."
"And yes, the lucky guy or girl that ends up with Claire," he added, rolling his eyes. Unfortunately the curse didn't even let him add in some sarcasm, but he was pretty sure she could detect that it was supposed to be there.
"Funny, smart, friendly, beautiful, tiny Claire. I'm sure they'll just content themselves with knowing they got one of the most amazing people ever. Besides, I mean you probably don't take up much of the bed, right? That's a plus. Never get their knees crowded when sitting opposite you. Also, you can take long pants and make them shorter, but you can't really take short pants and make them longer."
Wrinkling her nose with amusement, Claire shook her head quickly, feeling slightly embarrassed, and certainly bashful. "But... yeah, I don't know if I'll be sharing anyone's bed anytime soon. On the bright side, yeah, a twin-size bed is already more than enough for me, but that also means people totally have an excuse to give me less and assume I don't need as much as other people do. And I'm tellin' ya, when that happens with food portions, I just want to hit someone upside the head. I may be small, but I still deserve to get my money' ( ... )
"Are you one of those tiny girls that can eat a ton and never get full? It's always the tiny girls that have their picture up for eating the three pound hamburger or the giant steak."
With a soft, pleased exhale, Claire herself back, hands folded behind the back of her neck. "And sadly, no, I'm not one of the amazing bottomless pits. Wish I was, but I actually have to watch what I eat and make sure I exercise enough to keep it all down."
Sam wondered if Claire was just being modest about the eating thing until he remembered that she wasn't able to lie.
"So what do you do for exercise? You know, besides base jumping without a parachute."
Grinning, Claire traced her toe in a circle under the skin, stretching from side to side. "As for exercise, I jog, I walk. I swim. I mean, it's kind of hard to live on this island without getting enough exercise just by walking around long enough. You've got so much beach to take advantage of.'
"Yeah, not having a lot of processed foods and having to walk everywhere kind of does wonders for your health. We should job sometime though, I usually go running along the beach."
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