July, August, September posts~

Jul 03, 2007 23:19

Jin's intro. Worse place than here. Trapped in your room. Dress talk. >:

Shark fence. Rabi didn't build it. Can carry Brock. Pants monsters.

Kaza goes plant-seeking. Plans to see garden.

Thunder storm. Wet bird. Rhode laughs. Haru laughs. Tot shares umbrella. Rosalyn has towels!

Cloud and Zack intro. Stables?

Porn games.

Licking laptops. Meets Jack. What's plastic? Race!

The garden. Meets Rikuou. Sharp plants.

Radu as a girl. Missed him being mad.

Leftover fireworks. Meets lots of new people. Rosalyn's concerned. Not my tradition. Save some for later?

Gaignun in the closet. River inside? Alligator!

Day in everyone's life. Water ballooning. Cabin up a tree? Maybe Kon could lift it. Ying offers to help.

Kick the can! With Usagi, Mac, and Bloo. Everyone cheats. Look where you're flying. Gives Bloo's hiding spot away.

Rick's intro. Okay here. Snarking with Cornelia.

Who's the statue? Meets Tara. Bird insinuations. Knocks Yuu into the quicksand mud.

Why is it always stormy? Meets Kieran. Wings aren't that weird.

Bedninja'd. By Mytho.

Christmas in July. Kousaka is way too happy about this. Brock and heterosexual hobbies. No treeing. \o/

Where's Maggie's sister? Janaff doesn't know.

Tea from Rabi. Just the sugar. Meets Crowley.

Kousaka's services. Computers. As a maid. Not my loft.


Learning to talk. Some weird answers. Kon before he was born. Wolfwood and No Man's Land. Vash and the crash. Zack's teasing. Rabi's a bad influence. Rhode's family.

Smashing suits. Austin's job.

Top secret. Rick rolled. Brock is Borg. Also pirate/ninja. Kieran and dance alliances.

Dream post! House out of something. Kieran's axes go flying. Brock and face practice. A cage in the popsicle mansion. Loses Rhode. Cornelia's plan. Suzuna and the crown of the hedgehog king. Leo's marshmallow house. Meets Vimes. Questionable with Radu. Ear piercings.

Ball and Continuation! Eats with Robin in the rigging. Why's Ronan sticking around? Used to be a pirate.

Obon vegies. Yuu's grandma is an eggplant.

Cockclams in the onsen. Rescues Leo- sort of. Kieran is a freak.

Tiny hawkboy. Gets spanked. Goes to fight Marcy. Pisses Rhode off. Left in a butterfly net. Fights Anita. Upsets Claire, Leo, Rosalyn. Is generally a brat.

Faces stuck. Little Naff with his tongue out. Largely incomprehensible. Cliff! Punted into a tree. Meets Gumshoe. Talks with Megan. Kousaka is unflappable.

Naesala's intro. Attacks tiny Naff. Nonconned into tag with Rhode. Bratty to Toph.

Naesala inna tree. Naff is pissed. Warns Toph.

Meets Lina.

Do no evil. Monkeys of bananas. Diction with Naesala. Gets into it! How far can you see. Weird traditions, Lina. Spare blankets for Ronan. Shared dream. Meets Kurogane. Know him from where? Warns Claire. Proper way to rub off. Yuu asks politics.

Two shoutas and a loli. Warns about Naesala. Stay away from the lake!

Dance-compelled. This world's music. Talks to Gremio. Molting.

One of the pirates.

Hands out truths and dares. Egg in Lina's cape. Radu in a dress. Kousaka's hair in pigtails. Laughs at Naesala. What Yuu wouldn't wear. Nipple honking.

Brawl! Fights Anita and Naesala. Crack battle with Brock. Birdfight!


Molting badly. Day in your life. Tea party. Rusty and Nana talking. Warnings about Naesala. Rhode scritchings. Cream backfires. Toph in the future.

Rolling eggs. Hatching cooks. Pegs Anita. Misses Emiri. Dropped breakfast.

july posts, memory failure, that time again, post listing

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