Figured I'd update, since I haven't in a while. But I don't really have anything to say, haha. IDK. I've been kinda down lately what with all my Academic Probation crap. I mean, I know it's nobody's fault but my own. Bah.
1. Political science books at the college level have very long, boring chapters with very small text and no pictures at all, and reading one single chapter takes away at least an hour of your life that could have been better spent reading the same damn thing on Wikipedia
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I'm pretty much failing at life right now. I have no job, no relationship, vacation is boring because everyone else is busy with their jobs and relationships, and I know school will go just how it always does next semester
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I went to the Putnam Fireworks the other day and they were really fun. Sharie picked me up at like 2:40 lol and we walked around a LOT. I shouldn't have worn flat shoes. Owwwie. lol
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Well, I've been feeling pretty pooptastic lately. But I've started going to the gym with Sharie! It's fun. Well, not really FUN. It's HARD. But you feel really accomplished afterwards. Yay. Anyway, just figured I'd check in. Lots o' love. Byebye!
Easter has come and gone, and today is one of those dull, gloomy, rainy "Spring" days where it doesn't really feel like Spring at all because it's only 34 degrees outside. Buh. I hate it when the cuffs of my jeans are soaked.
I've felt sort of icky lately. Not in "I am sick" way or an "I am depressed" way. Just in a "I am no longer even remotely interested in anything anymore" kind of way. It's pretty annoying because it makes me not want to go to school or get up in the morning or look for a job. I don't even like watching TV or drawing anymore. I dunno what'
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Wow, I haven't written in this thing in ages. That makes-a me sad. Well, let's's an update on my life. Tragically, there's little to say. Haha. I'm such a fucking whirlwind of excitement
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