Title: The Other Side Of The Sky
Characters: Russia/America.
Rating: PG.
Summary: 1957 - America panics when Russia unexpectedly takes the first step into space.
TCE is co-written by
wizzard890 and
First, America had locked himself in his basement until everything around him was broken, knocked over, or sprayed across the floor. )
Comments 96
When you said you this was going to be a sixty-something chapter tragedy, I thought it was a case of being good in the beginning then going to hell during the Cold War, while we all cry about how it used to be. But it isn't. It's good in the beginning, then it wavers and we all hold our breath waiting for it to fall. Then it falls, but gets back up and falls again and-oh God, this is agony, because I just know it isn't going to last.
You make everything hurt.
TCE isn't a tragedy. TCE is a love story! That means all the pain and angst and suffering goes in the middle. XD
An image of little America dreaming to be a bird is adorable. <3
I have a question. *looks at calendar suspiciously* You're not planning to post the U2 chapter at Christmas, are you? D=
Now I'll be waiting impatiently for Yuri Gagarin. Space Race is one of my favorite things in the history of humankind!
...*counts days*
It'll probably be posted two days after? >_>
i think i've mentioned before how poetic i find the writing in the saga.
just beautiful <3
i like the interaction between what his people are feeling and what America himself is actually flipping out over, and it really shows how far they've come that they can have a binding moment over it rather than sniping at each other.
just beautiful <3
Thank you so much. The idea that people are every bit as swept up by the writing as they are by the story is gratifying indeed. =D
And gosh, yeah, they've been putting up milestones all over the place this past decade!
So glad you liked it, buddy!
(Yessss. Space race has commenced.)
(And omg, I know, Space Race! Researching it is going to give me another Education, God knows. We never spent a lot of time on it when I was in high school. This fandom is making me smarter than American History ever did. XD)
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