Title: My Death Will Have Your Eyes [Pt 5]
Characters: Russia/America.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: 1962 - The Cuban Missile Crisis draws to a close; Russia and America's relationship follows suit.
TCE is co-written by
wizzard890 and
They sat on the edge of Russia's bed, a good two feet apart. )
Comments 152
just because they had to doesn't mean it's not still going to make me cry ohgod
This chapter was so sweet, yet very sad. And that small moment of America breaking down his resolve? Oh my god....that was almost heartbreaking.
Lovely work as always you two! <3
That part killed me too. I mean, he knows what's right, but now that he has Russia in his arms...how can he possibly let him go again?
Thanks for that!
Fuck the Cold War man.
I know, right? I call mutually assured bullshit on this whole geopolitical era. ._.
The Zippo reappears! I feel almost like it's become a little reminder of America for Russia, just one of those sentimental little things you hold on to.
And o-oh, the disparity between what they were saying and doing just... Ah, TCE continues to tear heart into little pieces. Excuse me while I find my tissues...
Well, none of us want to see them break up, of course, but you're right, this is something that needs to happen. They're going to kill one another. It's not a possibility anymore, it's a certainty. The two of them have to take the initiative to keep that from happening.
The Zippo reappears! I feel almost like it's become a little reminder of America for Russia, just one of those sentimental little things you hold on to.
Oh, absolutely. Even during the long stretches of time when he's not using it, it still sits in a drawer, or in the pocket of a winter coat, or in the glove box of his car. He's too angry to use it, sure, but...never angry enough to throw it away.
The bit where America is trying to go back on his word and Russia freaks and says "No, America, stop, stop, you have to stop...Y-You can't--Don't go back on this, ptenchik, you promised me--" AUGH that just poured more exquisite pain into my already shattered heart.
This was soooo soo good. I hope we see some sort of nice resolution! (alright, so current relations with Russia still aren't too great right now, but........I TRUST THE POWER OF LOVE TO MAKE IT BETTER!!...That, paired with your phenomenal writing, should be able to bring joy back into this depressing story)
Lovely, just lovely &hearts
It has always been our hope that we can give the boys the happy ending they deserve! =D
alright, so current relations with Russia still aren't too great right now, but........I TRUST THE POWER OF LOVE TO MAKE IT BETTER!!
Hey, the fic is still ongoing, so who knows? Things might have improved between the nations by the time we finish!
Think of it this way. This is a love story! A love story is a machine for keeping two people apart until the last possible minute. XD
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