Sorry I am still not updating here very often. My ex still hasn't fixed my computer so I still have very little computer access. *pout* He's supposed to finally get it fixed this week since I need it for school in a couple of weeks. We'll hope he comes through
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So I'm doing well out on my own, making my own decisions, and going my own way. I feel more fulfilled and content lately than I have in long time. I am returning to my myself as a calmer, wiser self
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So I finally was able to get to the city to pick up my SD10 boy body from Kellyhime. Yay! She also let me visit the Asian Art Museum for free so I spent a few hours admiring the beautifully detailed art there. I think my favorite art pieces were the shadow puppets and the Netsuke. Thank you again Kelly
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I'm so very in love with my new computer! I can actually download fansubs onto my own computer! My old computer was sucky and slow and barely had enough space for the programs on it. This is what my current box looks like: