So we now have a Roomba. Now that I have a domestic robot slave, I finally feel like I've arrived in the 21st Century. We've decided to call him Epictetus. I anticipate large numbers of you will not be very surprised by this decision.
In other news, I am in possession of a streaming cold. I doubt you envy me. If it persists, I may be skipping
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So it's been a rather decent weekend, all told. the_lady_lily has abandoned me for the manifold vices of Britannia but I've managed to keep myself amused.
So I have been thinking about a couple of logic problems. Both are original as far as I know. I haven't worked out either of them at time of writing.
Beans in Boxes I have six boxes of equal weight. The boxes contain beans of equal weight. A box weighs the same as a substantial number of beans. One box contains one bean, one contains two, one three
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We had team drinks this evening at a horrible little Irish bar on 3rd. I chanced to walk back to the subway with an Israeli colleague. As we were walking back he began lamenting the collapse of the financial markets and the atmosphere of fear that surrounds us poor (yet frankly well compensated) souls who toil therein.
It was so very thoroughly splendid to see those of you back in Albion that I did see, and a sorry thing that I did not see those of you that I did not. The familial duty ended up being a trifle more consuming than I had anticipated. It is - alack! - the problem with not going home for nigh on two years. They colonise your
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