Jul 10, 2010 22:00
- 20:07 Less than a week until #Polaris and I finally bought proper luggage. No more duffel-bags for me! #
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Jul 06, 2010 22:01
- 19:34 Trapped in the bedroom with the A/C again tonight. Means it's time for more Sailormoon marathoning. #
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Jul 05, 2010 22:01
- 18:17 Ok, it is so hot in here that the sweat on my cheeks is fogging my glasses.....good lord. #
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Jun 25, 2010 22:01
- 20:18 Aw, geek fail. Only got 9/10 on @mental_floss 's Princess Bride quiz. I really should know how many times Inigo speechifies. 6 apparently. #
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Jun 18, 2010 22:01
- 07:48 Yay! Woke up to Kindle 2.5 being installed and ready. Organization! #
- 07:49 Less yay is that today I have to move desks at work. They're giving mine to another team. I liked my tree-shaded corner! #
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Jun 10, 2010 22:01
- 07:20 Really? The Kindle Edition of The Passage is $2 MORE than the hardcover? I'm not biting, Amazon. I can wait. #
- 07:34 I note that the Kodo Edition from Chapters is less than the Kindle. Books are never cheaper in Canada, WTF? #
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Jun 07, 2010 22:00
- 18:03 Surgery now pushed to August. Joy of joys. #
- 18:05 So much writer's block right now that it's time for tiny goals: 333 words/day = 10k in 1 month. Slow, but at least the prose will move. #
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Jun 03, 2010 22:00
- 19:14 Odd that a work day spent watching movies can be as mentally exhausting as a day keying my fingers off. Different, but equally tiring. #
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May 29, 2010 22:00
- 08:54 Seeing Beauty and the Beast today! #
- 08:56 Downside to not having a proper desk and no A/C: Writing = Hot Macbook on lap. Hard to be creative when you're sweating like a pig. #
- 20:14 Beauty and the Beast was really fun! And Spaghetti Eddy's was noms too. #
- 20:17 Picked up Red Dead Redemption. About 90 minutes in and enjoying myself. #
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