Apr 22, 2009 23:00
hey, so i'm alive. just been mental... a little.
the car is running well, and i'm a little more stable.
if you're into jewelry, check out (it's my aunt's web page, that i maintain, and update)
hope everyone is enjoying their spring.
cheerio. - K
Jan 06, 2009 23:50
bleh, nothing much going on here...
been freezing like hell.
had a great xmas with the family + montana's bf.
new year's was alright.
hope every had a safe holiday season.
Oct 23, 2008 23:39
sooo, we've lost 7 people from work in the last 2 days, some crazy flu bug is going around...hopefully i can avoid it.
in other wait, i don't have other news. nothing much else here, folks.
hope you're all doing well.
Oct 13, 2008 01:13
this weekend was spent distracting myself, and now that it's over, it's back to being depressed for the week.
i guess this is the way it is to be, a roller coaster of light and dark, day and night for me.
i wonder when this ride from hell will end.
Oct 10, 2008 17:14
thank god it's Friday, finally.
time to go get krunk, bitches!
Sep 22, 2008 23:39
screw the's only ever playing sappy love songs anyway.
not a good night for me. i have nights like these more often then i'd like to admit.
/pissed at life
Sep 20, 2008 00:02
just a quick blerb...
got my car back today after a full tune-up...and she's running REALLY well.
scares me a little how much power that car has now.