Mar 22, 2005 11:25
I totally wish I had a mechincal arm. That would be sooo cool!
Mar 17, 2005 16:41
Tell me 20 random things about yourself.
Here is my #8 to get you started
8. I use to love the summer, than I had a mad affair with the winter,I married and divorce fall, and now I am engaged with spring.
Mar 01, 2005 10:13
Lisa Simpson from the Simpsons rocks and I will tell you why.
I was watching the episode last night when she becomes the school president and than the principal screws her over. One of the things she wanted to change while in office was to offer vegan lunch choices in the cafeteria. Lisa Simpson, you rock!
Feb 27, 2005 18:34
For being a meek little vegetarian I make a mean fucking ass pork rib bbq meal