Blow All Tanks!

Jun 24, 2009 03:18

I've been away for a while. My last post was a year ago tomorrow.

Part of the reason for this little sabbatical has been paradigm shift on multiple fronts.

For one thing, I worry about the Pillbug. Her progress since last year has been discouraging. She'll be four in a few days, and she's still in diapers. She's sociable, creative, and energetic, but she's a little behind.

And she eats wood.

For another, one of my most visited topics last year was my first son. Unfortunately, he appears to take after his mother.

We talked. We talked for a long time. Then nothing for a long time.

I'm guessing he talked to his mother, she told him some of her stories, and he believed them. He contacted me again with a very antagonistic message completely at odds with that of our 'phone conversation.

I can't really even say his mother's stories are lies, because I think she probably believes them. That's not the same as being true, mind you.

For example. . . .

After she left me (sosoclever and/or satanismyname may have been there for this, and may be able to confirm or correct me) a mutual friend walked into The Pit1. She announced she had received a 'phone call from M2. M was panicked because she had seen me outside her apartment the night before with an Uzi3! She recognized me by my car!

Mirth ensued.

1) I was with people present the night before.

2) I was seeing someone else by then and had better things to do with my time.

3) I had no idea where she lived.

4) My scorn for fully-automatic weapons was/is the stuff of legend - had she said a Winchester lever-action or a black powder revolver, she might have been more convincing.

5) I had sold that car months earlier, and was quite proud of my wonderful new car that looked nothing like it.

So that's a wash. There's no point pursuing it.

Other paradigm-shiftiness needs more resolution before I can discuss it.

I have a beer post almost ready to go. I'd better, after more than a year!

1A lounge at College of DuPage.
2For so I shall designate her.
3Always Uzis with her. Her previous boyfriend, and father of her previous child, was supposedly lurking in the parking lot with an Uzi. I used my l33t Fianna 5killz to discover the car that had her panicked had a parking sticker for our town. Said previous boyfriend had been in Florida for years.
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