Lots of people have asked me what I have given up for Lent, but I'm really not sure what to answer. At first I had decided that rather than giving something up, I would devote myself to doing something. So, I decided that I would start to work on my time-management skills and be a bit more dedicated to my classwork. My 'Lent Resolution' was to
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So, I have decided that Heroes is just about the most amazing show on TV ever. (Except maybe Star Trek, but that is a whole different ball park.) There is a new twist every time someone opens their mouth to speak and it is just so gripping! We had better get NBC at my house next week because I can't miss an episode just because it is Spring
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Well, my lovely Sullivan finally died. It was an expected farewell, as Captain Sully had been making scary noises that threatened of his demise for a few weeks before it happened. Unfortunately, his passing was less than quick and painless. He became unresponsive Friday afternoon and flat-lined for the first time late Sunday night. While he
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In a post long-long ago, in an apartment not so far away, I posted about how Coheed and Cambria had become my any-mood music. Happy, sad, complacent, angry. Well, right now, they are my super pissed music
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There just seems to be something odd about writing a paper comparing Franz Kafka and Ida Fink's writing styles while listening to the Spice Girls. Don't know quite what it is, but ah well
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*I'm done with my exams. Finished them up at 3pm today/yesterday/Tuesday. Still don't believe this semester is over. Also can't believe that I'm still not even half-way done with my schooling. **ya...death
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I have just realized the kind of people I 'strongly dislike' the most: condescending. I don't care what they are condescending about, it just seriously ticks me off! 'Holier-than-thou', patronizing, condescending jerks! I would elaborate more, but I don' think that would be a good idea. I'm going to stop this super-short rant right now before
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There has got to be something wrong with us. Danielle and I are at our desks in our room about three feet away from each other. She is wearing thermal underwear and a wool sweater, warm pants, and thick socks. She is drinking hot tea. She is cold. I am wearing a tank top, summer pants, and regular socks. I am drinking ice water. I am hot.
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