wow. not letting myself do anything else for three days still wasn't enough to get a good final paper out of me. whats that about. My teacher is going to be disappointed, it is disjointed and rambling, not up to the caliber of my previous work... oh well FUCK IT, SUMMER YAY
yeah so, i distract mysef with sci fi and tell myself that all this just proves i was right to begin with and am better off. i guess i am to be the smart, cautious girl again.
ug I just called my friend who works at this bar to say hi and she told me that previously mentioned boy is there with previously mentioned gyrating skinny girl. OOoooof. I feel sick now. Like I got punched the gut. I hate this feeling.
I am seriously mixed up if I am only bothered because I want the ego boost of his affections back. :(
I am torn between wanting to do something but feeling like: a)I dont even know how I could make it happen, b)if it would be a possibility at all at this point and
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Okay, spring rain, yeah, sure, April showers, yeah, heard of that one, May, okay I'll give you May, but June 1 POURING? I wish I could send this to Tucson, they haven't had more than sprinkles since last Summer.