Spring has sprung here in OC! Unfortunately, that means lots and lots of rain :|
But I'm trying not to let that get me down :) This weekend my husband and I are meeting a friend in San Francisco and and we intend to eat our way around the city! :D I have spent quite a bit of time researching and it looks like we'll be hitting up the Embarcadero
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It's funny- as soon as I started following a few artists/communities I stopped posting my own entries! Sometimes I just get a little overwhelmed by how much cool stuff other people are doing. It becomes more fun for me to watch others' creative works instead of making my own
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I think I'm settling in at last. I have done the necessary: found a gym, figured out where to recycle (no more curbside pick up, boooo), picked my grocery store, discovered the park with the best view of the mountains AND ocean, etc
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It has certainly been a while since I posted- I was wrapped up in getting everything ready for the move and I don't even know what else. We sold the house! It went to some 30 year old frat boy who had his Mom do EVERYTHING for him at the closing short of signing his name. I'm talking giving him neck rubs, helping him drink water (YES!! Who does
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The rain here has been just awful, so no picture of N. Rip Van Winkle :P I hope this rain doesn't pound my new flowers into the ground!!
I've been spending the bad weather down-time indoors reading! I rediscovered a few poems that I have ALWAYS loved- specifically William Blake's "The Sick Rose" and T.S. Eliot's "The Love Song of J. Alfred
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Whew! I have been caught up in a flurry of activity lately- the nice weather turned up and it seemed like I couldn't get enough of it :) I have been spending my days in the park near my house writing and taking walks. It has been refreshing and I'm glad that I can now write without it feeling forced. I think all those wonderful children's
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