I was thinking of having the blueberry branch coming up the side of my boob (not on the boob, but near it) and having it curve around so the blueberries are on the front of my shoulder. I think thats where I'm at with my decision. Something to think about since it will be there for life.
Hmmm. What kind of tattoo can you see me getting and not regretting? It's hard to see myself with a tattoo. I'd probably get "echo" tattooed. Just like in that Wilco song "humming bird". yuh know:"his goal in life was to be an echo". I just don't want to die without effecting the world, or being remembered as a super nice person. Do you think 'echo' makes sense for me? Or maybe I should just get a design. I think 'effect' makes more sense than 'echo' but it's not as cool. But maybe I'm misunderstanding the song's meaning.
Comments 4
That's the very song I'm listening to right now! Wow what a coincidence. The blueberries are awesome! so pretty.
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