thingsssssssssssssssssss. so many things. god drunk tonight on my own.. and umm.. there were so many things to say. fuck my internal monologue. fuck my short-term memory. just give me some fucking pot so i can sleep god damnit.
is it a conclusion that you have to come too about yourself that "no, I am not a rapist, or a murderer(, or anything else that can be defined)." Is it the people that don't think about these things that are the worst culprits? Although i do guess that there will always be people that say "that's exactly what I want to be."
intense game of monopoly! not feeling quite so sick annymore.. and uhh.. i should be getting a half oz of weed tomorrow.. -_- i didnt look for it it just arrived =P
mmm.. yesterday/last night/early this morning was nice.. fair day.. speed, pills, (no alcohol!), someone gave me 12 dexies.. drag shows, hanging out with drag queens snorting speed in bed and talking all night.. nice
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i have a crush on someone i know i could love forever and be with the rest of my life.. problem being i doubt she would ever actually be with me.. *sigh*