Title: Let The Sun Shine On A Brand New World
Fandom: The Social Network, X-Men: First Class
Pairing, Characters: Eduardo & Charles friendship, Mark, Chris, Dustin
Rating: PG
Spoilers: For both movies
Disclaimer: Any characters mentioned here belong to their respective creators; the names of any real people mentioned refer to fictionalised versions
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Comments 14
Love it. I love that Mark still looks after Wardo. And of course Wardo's dad had to be a dick. He better be safe! I'm kind of worried Erik will steal him xD
This is to show you my appreciation.
Now you'll have more than just me asking for more ^^ I'm in good company \o/
Thanks for writing and sharing <3
That video is slightly disturbing. Just saying. ...Shaw would make a good Jafar though. Possibly while creepily pawing at Erik. Also, Erik would never steal Eduardo! His mutation is too useless. Weather prediction? Honestly? You can't do any less offensive than that. (Of course that is before he is treated to a speech about how his terrorist organisation is a complete management failure. Their current lair is a pigsty, when is the last time he slept anyway, no, he has to take that helmet off for showering, no, really, he has to, he is starting to smell, look, Eduardo is papering the shower walls with tin foil, and does Erik even have a business plan more refined that 'make Azazel teleport into random bank vaults and try not to get caught hiding out in untenanted houses'? Erik might consider granting Eduardo a second mutation of 'in humanly productive motherhenning'. Still not much use in a fight though. Pity.)
...I had a point. But I forgot about it.
/fandom channel change
I keep doing this to you and I can't help it. I am still sick though so for now I'll blame it on that. Thanks for the tea though for realz I'm drinking this weird herbal stuff. Hope it helps ahaha or I'm just drinking weird herbal stuff???
Mark is clearly the grumpy Shrek who just got his swamp taken over. And mets a trololol talking Dustin. I mean a talking donkey Dustin xD and on the way they meet pink slashDragon Chris who is pink but not a girl got it? Sean is Prince Charming with the crazy godmother D:
Gonna stop right there, thank you very much before I start on a Spiceworld fusion in my head.
...Scary disapproving King Saverin who disappproves of that oger who is ruining the plans he had for his son (even though that son was horribly disappointing) because no ogre is good enough, when secretly he himself is nothing but scum who cheated his way up and sold his son's future for it.
Also, clearly the Winklevosses are much better Charmings. (They try to tell Eduardo it would be a two-for-one deal. Apparently it doesn't count as polygamy if it's twins, or so they say.)
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