So I saw this headline scrolling on the screen, a lil while ago that said, "Clothes Look More Scary Than Sexy". I think you don't have to let your mind wander too far to figure out what I accidentally read it as.
If you bring your bartenders (at the palce that you like to go veafter work) kickass late night food from your restuarnt, you won't have to pya for shit the ntitre night. They'll even drink with you 3 hours after thater the bar is closed!!!!
There was an ad on TV for some kind of slider (mini-burger). Now I feel like I will have T Rex stuck in my head all day long. Not a problem on this end,, it'll set the mood for this holiday
They are doing a remake of TROLL!!!! The kid (er, Man) who played Atreyu in the original Neverending story is playing the Troll King. Oh, and starting tomorrow Robert Englund and Jena Jameson in: Zombie Strippers!