Characters: Mello, Oz, anyone else
Setting: The dawn room
Time: Day 19, Around the time the beetles start to appear.
Summary: Oz and Mello meet under some odd circumstances and get attacked by beetles.
Warnings: Definite animal/insect abuse, a bought of insanity, nasty heat, and bugs. So many bugs.
It's not the TV people either )
Comments 17
And he didn't know how Oz even knew his friend was here if he hadn't even seen her yet. Either he was crazy, the person who had told him that had been screwing with him, or... the person who had told him that already knew him and his friend. From the way he'd described it, it certainly seemed as though he already knew people around here. And he's just arrived. Really... what were the chances of that?
Mello took a deep breath and then glanced up at Oz again, his expression much more serious this time. "I guess it's good for you that you've already got a friend here, kid," he told the boy," but it looks like you've still got a lot to learn about this place." Oz didn't even seem to know the house was dangerous. Mello was ( ... )
Carefully taking in Oz's words, he gave a short nod as he crossed over to the other side of the room. He sat down on the floor, leaning his back-- the part that wasn't burnt-- against the painting on the wall, and squinted with one eye in comtemplation. "I don't have a concrete answer," he said, "But I can guess. I think they're our predecessors." He gave the kid a small smile and crossed his legs, resting one hand behind his head on the wall. "You'll find out for yourself once night falls, but this house is full of monsters and ghosts. For lack of a better word, you can say it's haunted. And all of them used to be people trapped here, just like us, who eventually gave up and killed themselves." He paused for a few seconds, as if to add a dramatic edge, before continuing. "Sorry to ( ... )
Damn it; there had only been a few beetles in this room just a couple of minutes ago, but it was starting to become infested already. Mello yelped again as another beetle bit his arm and dashed across the room towards where Oz was. "It isn't just you," he replied, "The buzzing is getting louder. And there's a hell of a lot more beetles in here than there were before. We should probably get out of this room, although I doubt anywhere else in the house will be much better."
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