Dude, the only connection I see is that you always manage to put my seemingly indescribable thoughts into words. I'm astounded almost every entry because I wish I possessed the vocabulary and intellect you so aptly utilize. I would go on further, but my words fall short from epic, and tend to ramble, so I'll leave it to the rest of you to figure out what the hell I just typed/mumbled haha.
Hrm, type-mumble... I guess thisiswutaipmumblewuldblike.
Dude I am a fucking mumbler. It gets to the point where I just stop talking. I know its my fault. Im just mad that the listener doesnt go the "extra mile" to try and decipher whats being stated. Yes I believe 'skank' is the word you're looking for. I've had to clean up though, working at domino's and all. Dude, you're missing out on a lot of Bradenton lingo.
Comments 6
Hrm, type-mumble... I guess thisiswutaipmumblewuldblike.
Damn, I smoke too much.
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