Some of you may remember - or maybe not; a livejournal generation is only, like, eight days, so we're talking about ancient history, here - when I recommended fan fiction in this space. When I was knee-deep in vids, I swore to myself that those days would come again. It was very dramatic and meaningful, although the pervy LotR vid playing in the
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Comments 79
(*specifically the scene where they're house-hunting, and John gets all shocked at Rodney being annoying *g*)
I love that scene.
*sighs blissfully*
Yay recs!
Thank you! It so totally took me forever to get back on this horse after the vid-orgy. But I posted! At long last! *joins in with the yays, because the recs set is finally posted*
Um, oops. Okay, I feel dumb. But at least I am not, you know, alone in my weird opinions and dumb, so yay for that. And thanks for pointing that out to me.
*makes mental note to read friends list more consistently, even in times of RL unfortunateness*
I'd just remembered Ces talking about it and thought you might like to feel quietly smug. Me, personally, I was too confused about Ces writing incest to think any deeper on the subject. I'm looking forward to rereading the fic, and actually paying *attention* to it this time.
I can totally understand that. Because you think to yourself, she has class! She won't go there! And then she does - I mean, she doesn't just go there. She buys a villa and spends the summer. And then she invites you over for a visit, and before you know it, you're drinking scotch and lemonade on the veranda at half past two in a country you swore you'd never visit!
Okay. I lost control of that metaphor early on. Let's just say that I totally understand your confusion and move ahead, okay?
I'm looking forward to rereading the fic, and actually paying *attention* to it this time.
I found re-reading it to be very different than the first time through, but that could just be me. I mean, you didn't spend your first reading braced in horror for the inevitable (except how it totally wasn't) eye-poking scene. In other words, you are not a gigantic dork. That probably is a help to you in your fic reading, I would imagine.
but that means that even though i've read one of them already, i still have a whole one to read! yay! [dances off to read it]
* (even more than before)
*proffers the coveted License to Ping Solely to Obtain Under-the-Counter Recs*
And I suspect it's going to make some people want to kill me, but I'm considering putting two SGA recs in more sets than just this one. (This one, I had a legitimate excuse: one of them I couldn't really write a summary for. Well, it's a sort of legitimate excuse, anyway.) It is not my fault! There's a lot of good fic coming out, so what can I do? How can I possibly be expected to choose, or to remain firm and resolute, when I am faced with such overwhelming volumes of goodness?
*is but a woman, and weak, and therefore helpless in the face of good fic*
*now has an extremely unfortunate anthropomor_fic in her head: Fan/New Fandom, non-con*
Fan was resolute, but New Fandom wouldn't leave her alone. He showed up in her friends list and even in her friends homes. Everywhere she looked, he'd managed to leave some memento of himself. She always shuddered and averted her eyes ( ... )
please, don't you think i would have if you'd showed up as online?
[bookmarks memories.bml?user=sga_flashfic and goes to bed]
[needs the following icon: BIG FUCKING CRACK PIPE with the caption "ceci est une pipe, alors, courrez vite before it's too late!"]
Ahahahahahahahaha oh my god, never have you written truer words. SERIOUSLY.
*collapses with glee*
never have you written truer words. SERIOUSLY.
I try to tell myself that someday it'll all just be a bad memory and a t-shirt reading, "I survived DC's Infinite Reboot." So far, no luck with that, though. Maybe therapy will help.
And now I need really good Timfic. Like, stat. *browses ferociously*
I actually got into an argument with a friend of mine recently, yelling, "Why are you giving in to their blatant schemes to get you to buy more comics??? Why why why?" Oh, D.C. Why do you hurt us so? On the other hand, at least it's not as bad as the X-Men timeline. Yet.
I... I'll be preening and pleased all *week* but won't be able to explain why to anybody. *g*
Thanks for the rec! I'm glad you liked "Kid's Game", it was a hoot to write (I started by writing Tim's part, then people pointed out the obvious possible continuations, and before I knew it I was writing all of them - best evening in the office ever, if not the most productive one).
Yay! I made you pleased, and therefore I am pleased. It's a glorious positive feedback loop in these parts some days.
And I imagine you'll garner extra enjoyment from the theories people come up with to explain the Mysterious Preening of Marcelo. ("Illegal experimentation with bird DNA, that's what I hear.") I know I would.
I started by writing Tim's part, then people pointed out the obvious possible continuations, and before I knew it I was writing all of them - best evening in the office ever, if not the most productive one
I'm pretty sure it's against some kind of law to have that much fun in your office, but you won't lack for people to alibi you if the worst happens. ("No! He was instant messaging with me about debunking - um, debugging - um, budgets - all night! It was extremely work-related, I remember that much.")
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