Apparently I missed out on a major social evolution at some point, and maybe one of you can fill me in on what exactly happened. Allow me to explain; tonight, about 12:30 in the morning, I get a call from a friend only a year younger than myself. I mention this because the context of the conversation is something that seems like it belongs in high
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So anyhow, I've been recently contacted by one of the friends of the slutcake who fucked me over last year and had me temporarily engaged. Now all I've gotten so far is a request saying we "need to talk", although I doubt it's urgent enough for me to "need" to take part, unless she got hit by a bus, in which case I'd like to know immediately.
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Well, both my hard drives are in a state of decline likely to end in total failure, so if no one sees me around for a few days while I try to order new hard drives, that's why.
No, your other left, you damned fool. See the blurb area? Yeah. That's the address of my new audio blog. It will contain different content than here, and also, well, my voice. Enjoy.
"So I smoke, and if this bothers anyone, I recommend you looking around the world in which we live, and, I don't know...shutting your fucking mouth? Either that, or suffer a facial burn, your choice
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