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Sep 28, 2005 16:39

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1) Does _therabbithole_ go to your school? mos def
2) Is jackiedee a college student? not yet *fingers crossed*
3) Is viva_dulcinea related to you? i wish, then i could be totally awesome AND jewish
4) Is im2sexy4thislj 1337? if I knew what that meant...
5) What is whsrunnergirl's favorite game? I thinking...running, if that's a game. if not, most like 20 questions, she likes questions.
6) Is climbgrl87 a nerd? YES
7) What is my_world_71's biggest flaw? lack of zeal for memorizing lines
8) If broadwaybound88 took over the world, who would be happy? anyone who loves SCIENCE, or Les Mis
9) Is jackiedee friends with jay_wall? hm...gotta be careful with this one...maybe?
10) How long have you known blowingmeup? 3 years
11) sococrazed16's hair color? brown
12) If laura_bird had a superpower, what would it be? organization
13) Is im2sexy4thislj introverted or extroverted? extroverted
14) Does freudiandoll have a big secret? no, because she shares everything with everyone
15) What word best describes cognito_ergosam? liberal
16) Would you make out with rswhe89? definitely not...oh, wait
17) What planet should cara_beara be from? the planet of musicality where everyone can only converse while singing
18) What color should thepirateinme dye their hair? bright purple
19) Did swimmaback break up with you? nope
20) Has movin2fast08 been to your house/dorm? probably...tonys party? cast party? sometime, i'm sure
21) Does yaresarah have a dog? that I would not know
22) What languages does heyhundymama speak? english and cahrazy
23) Are heyhundymama and the_gothamite going steady? heheheheh, nooooo
24) What animal does jay_wall remind you of? a liger
25) If swimmaback and michelles_rock were spliced together, what would it be like? it would be like, hottness, and teeth, and crazy driving all the time
26) What would lesbionik think of barbiewearspink? definite hottie
27) Which president would michelles_rock be likely to idolize? nader
28) What would samanthawashere give aicilla for his/her birthday? hm...a light bulb--sorry, lamp
29) Are lindsayhw318 and aicilla married? not at all
30) What is barbiewearspink's favorite band/artist? the beatles
31) If michelles_rock were hanging off a cliff, what would razzberrihun2 do? call someone important
32) Where would jenntrippe most like to visit? ireland
33) Do tearrhapsody and gingergal go to the same school? teehee, no
34) Are rachels_lj and jackiedee going out? secrets, secrets
35) Would you set up kitty_effulgent and crazychica456? nah
36) Does themightytwig smoke? not last time i heard
37) What would you do if you found out jay_wall has a crush on you? hehehehehe...blonde
38) Would freedsalicious go out with gravydavy? don't think so
39) What animal should actngfeisty be combined with? a flamingo, cuz it's pink
40) What rank would iamthelionking have in a giant robot army? that's a scary thought, prolly Lt. Cnl. or something
41) If jendick and jenntrippe were spliced together, what would be its name? JENN
42) Is thepirateinme a high school student? not anymore!
43) How tall is actngfeisty? taller than me
44) Does crazychica456 know im2sexy4thislj? by sight
45) Is jenntrippe your best friend? i wish
46) Would silentwatcher13 and freudiandoll make a good couple? there'd be a lot of funny voices
47) Which of your friends should aicilla go out with? couldn't tell you
48) Is ambidorkstrous athletic? does DDR count?
49) Do you think rswhe89 is hot? enough
50) Does _therabbithole_ have a crush on jendick? shhhhhh...
51) What do you agree with dropkikmurphy about? smoothies
52) How long would barbiewearspink dating viva_dulcinea last? about the run of the show
53) Is blowingmeup single? probably
54) Have you ever dated princeothieves? no
55) What is silentwatcher13's favorite color? black
56) Would you ever date movin2fast08? pooooossibly
57) What is jendick allergic to? tall things
58) Does belle_reve03 drink? nope, hooray for straight-edge
59) What mental disorder does zazu_torque remind you of? AOENICTNXKJWDD
60) What song/movie would you recommend to purple_nimbus? "La Vie En Rose"
61) How would samanthawashere kill jenntrippe? with wit and actor-like clumsiness
62) Do you have a crush on frostbite795? that was a long time ago
63) Where did you first meet yaresarah? heheh, i haven't, woot for lj friends
64) One quality you find attractive in silentwatcher13? attentiveness
65) Does zazu_torque travel a lot? not really
66) What is andichick06's favorite food? fruit roll ups...?
67) Do you have the_gothamite's screenname? of course
68) Would you wrestle my_world_71 in jello? I would wrestle ANYONE in jello
69) Have you flirted with freedsalicious? probably
70) What exotic animal would aicilla like as a pet? chinchilla, cuz it rhymes, and i want one
71) What is lindsayhw318's shoe size? ...7 1/2?
72) If dimlybright was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? Thespior
73) Thoughts on dropkikmurphy? she's gonna be 17 on FRIDAY!!!
74) One thing you can't stand about ben_evolence? his terrible singing voice, i don't know why noone has told him about that, is it like, opposite life or something?
75) If igotnofriendsyo commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? happy africans, and 12 year old jewish girls
76) vegetariandrama's eye color? green
77) Is igotnofriendsyo dead sexy? absobloominlutely
78) What flavor of jello would andichick06 be? vanilla pudding
79) How many monkeys could irish_me fight at once and win against? 41
80) What is jenntrippe's favorite movie? something cool
81) Is dimlybright in a relationship? dunno
82) If andichick06 took over the world, who would suffer? people who don't love techies and art
83) How would cara_beara conquer the world? on the frumamobile of death 3.7
84) What would you do if whsrunnergirl died? compose
85) Is frostbite795 an emo? not in any way, shape, or form
86) If movin2fast08 and purple_nimbus were siamese twins, where would they be joined? at the leg, cuz that would be funny
87) Has princeothieves dyed their hair? not that i know of
88) Would lindsayhw318 be a better ninja or pirate? PIRATE
89) What would themightytwig do differently in your shoes? be really amazing at lighting
90) When did you last call jendick? long long ago
91) Is swimmaback popular? mos def
92) Could you see hopelyss and my_world_71 together? on the off-chance
93) Would laura_bird and andichick06 look good together? in that really happy way
94) Is belle_reve03 related to im2sexy4thislj? nope
95) Where was _therabbithole_ born? california
96) What video game does sococrazed16 remind you of? sonic
97) What comic book character would broadwaybound88 be? Shadow Kat...according to Patrick
98) Does belle_reve03 do drugs? I've been over this...
99) Where was eldeviantart born? around here
100) What do you disagree with viva_dulcinea about? mm...jesus?
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