i haven't been on livejournal in a long long time. i typed my name in google and i thought it was kind of funny this site came up instead of my children's sites
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on the light side of things i have songs stuck in my head.. "cobbleston, cobbleston, cobbleston pie.. a fly can't bird, but a bird can't fly. ask me a riddle and i'll reply. cobbleston cobbleston cobbleston pie"
i'm working on some music right now. it's very experimental and it has to have drums, bass, glock, piano, and all the fun things that go into a song. the first song is called "butterflies
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i haven't updated in a long time. well here's the run down. turns out Jim had a change of heart and wanted to work. he's great with the kids. the 5 year olds graduated. i recorded audio for the music part of the graduation and fixed up "don't worry be happy" a bit. you can listen to it here...
oh yeah. jim quit. after tomorrow, i'm all alone with teaching music. his girlfriend is reading poetry tonight at robin's bookstore 7:00pm sharp. That's today, monday, june 7th, 108 south 13th street.
i don't know if i could keep up with a documentation of my work because i feel like i'm gonna be fired all the time even though i put all my heart and soul into it. the kids like to zone out a lot, well the younger ones. i did have the 4-5 year olds almost playing a drum beat i made from "dont worry be happy" while i played guitar. they also sang a
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first day of work at moonstone. it was awesome. i taught kids how to play drums and then ended my day with a play, which consisted of playing guitar to the children's book "the boy with square eyes
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