"Seriously, submitting shorts when I really want to be a novelist may just be the dumbest thing I’ve ever done. See how I speak for nobody but myself there."
Haha! Hahahaha! ::voice cracks::
I *keep* getting sucked into that. J is on to me about it now. "Just DO the fuckin thing," he says. J, of course, is right. He's always right. It's why my predecessor gave him the flick and I didn't :)
Congrats on the honourable mention - that's a nice warm feeling. Boo to the rejections. Is it Irishy stuff your getting the rejections from or genre stuff in the US?
Well, there comes a point where when you get serious about getting the novel done, the short stories become like pesky little flies buzzing around you. For me, that point comes, I mean. See how I speak for nobody but myself there. ;)
Do as J says please.
Regarding rejections, I have been rejected on both sides of the Atlantic. Published on both sides too though so I should be more cheerful about it. It's just that one little short story can generate an awful lot of rejections, and rewritings. :)
There's a point at which I stop rewriting, dig my heels in, and say - this is it. But sometimes I just don't have the emotional energy to do a rewrite because it will really be that - a rewrite - rather than just a trimming.
I'm working on the novel outline. I really should have done that on the first draft but oh well. Fuck me, it's hard.
I know what you mean about rewriting not tweaking. I have one short which I think is potentially great, except it will need a rewrite, and then what? Submit and reject cycle all over again? Maybe it would get somewhere, but so what to that even. I need to get a novel done.
I always think first draft and outlines are close relations by the way. Sometimes I think pantsers and outliners are not as far apart as they claim to be. ;)
I don't submit my short stuff. It's just not worth it to me. Everyone is different, but I can't juggle all that up and down and anticipation etc while trying to write a book.
Of course, I'm pretty apathetic about submitting in general, so I might not be the best one to listen to. :)
That's exactly it. The up and down anticipation stuff. It does my head in. I sometimes wish I had never done shorts and had just cracked on with novels.But no regrets, eh? :)
Neuter those kittehs. :) And then go get you a tiger.
The HM does feel great. It would have felt greater without the accompanying rejection, that is true, but the rejection sting does go away, and the HM will always remain. :)
Wow! Congrats on the HM. Yeah the short story game can be a bit of a killer. I haven't been so effective at mixing short story/novel mode. Novel needs a full commitment I think. There's a new specfic submission group up, though that's mostly for subbing short stories.
Thank you. I don't know how a person gets encouragement on the novel writing road. It's nice to have a bunch of people in LJ who at least know about writing I guess. Most communities seem to resolve around writing shorts and subbing. I don't know how a community dedicated to noveling would work. I'll think on it. :)
See, I like the short story game. It gives me a sense of acheivement when I actually get somewhere.
I'd love to be part of an online community again too, but I emailed LH to ask for the invite code and no one's bothered to get back to me so I guess that's it.
That's exactly what happened to me with LH. I think you have to email Mike personally to get it, but I wish he'd just be upfront about it. Plus, I had recommended the place to lots of people and none of them got in. I don't know what's going on there, but I do miss the place.
Regarding the shorts, I know what you mean about the sense of achievement. Any story of mine that did something made me feel I was getting somewhere. But all the rejections, man. It's too much hurting. :)
That seems weird, it always used to be relatively easy to get in if you wrote. Maybe they've got more strict. I miss it, but I'm not sure I want to jump through hoops for it.
I'm OK with rejections now, usually they hit me on bad days anyway. ;)
Well, I have Mike's email address if you want it. Another former LHer and I were thinking of trying to start up something similar and easier to get into. Maybe if there's enough LH refugees wandering around homeless, we'll get onto it. ;)
Comments 21
Haha! Hahahaha! ::voice cracks::
I *keep* getting sucked into that. J is on to me about it now. "Just DO the fuckin thing," he says. J, of course, is right. He's always right. It's why my predecessor gave him the flick and I didn't :)
Congrats on the honourable mention - that's a nice warm feeling. Boo to the rejections. Is it Irishy stuff your getting the rejections from or genre stuff in the US?
Do as J says please.
Regarding rejections, I have been rejected on both sides of the Atlantic. Published on both sides too though so I should be more cheerful about it. It's just that one little short story can generate an awful lot of rejections, and rewritings. :)
I'm working on the novel outline. I really should have done that on the first draft but oh well. Fuck me, it's hard.
I always think first draft and outlines are close relations by the way. Sometimes I think pantsers and outliners are not as far apart as they claim to be. ;)
Of course, I'm pretty apathetic about submitting in general, so I might not be the best one to listen to. :)
And congrats on the HM. It feels great, doesn't it? :D
Sorry about the rejection as well. Some of them do sting more than others...
The HM does feel great. It would have felt greater without the accompanying rejection, that is true, but the rejection sting does go away, and the HM will always remain. :)
I don't know how a person gets encouragement on the novel writing road. It's nice to have a bunch of people in LJ who at least know about writing I guess. Most communities seem to resolve around writing shorts and subbing. I don't know how a community dedicated to noveling would work. I'll think on it. :)
I'd love to be part of an online community again too, but I emailed LH to ask for the invite code and no one's bothered to get back to me so I guess that's it.
Regarding the shorts, I know what you mean about the sense of achievement. Any story of mine that did something made me feel I was getting somewhere. But all the rejections, man. It's too much hurting. :)
I'm OK with rejections now, usually they hit me on bad days anyway. ;)
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