so guess who is going snowboarding this weekend....that would be me! haha anyway i am leaving at 5:30 and i will be back on monday hopfully around dinner time! i'll do a big picture post when i get back!
i'm tired of feeling sorry for myself, all i have done lately is complain about how bad i have it and i'm not loved blah blah blah. i've realized i don't have time in my crazy life to even begin to have a boyfriend. i'm about to start school again next week where i will be taking 15 credit hours which is over the full time status (not to mention i
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I finally got my back x-ray'd which will take a few days to get back to my doc. he also reffered me to a massage therapist that i have to go to twice a week for like the next 3 months or so...basically until it helps. i am supposed to also start doing physical therapy. while having to do all of this i am getting shit from my insurance company and
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