Yeah. I'ma only on fer a few then me and Bubba gon go and head to the curner store fer som suppah.
I am such a redneck-dork... eh, well... It's the way I was raised. Love your heritage right? Anywho, I'm off to level up on PSO. Later days.\
BTW, the music is from this video.
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Feb 20, 2005 02:46
Yay! Three day weekend. I like these. But yeah. I'm tired. its late, or early... yeah so yeah. I am going to sleep so I can spend tomorrow with someone... hehe. Okay, night.
Feb 10, 2005 20:17
Well... I am going to update so I can go and start my new PSO character's legend... Oh yeah! I am going to try and find the ultimate Ninja sword, the Yamigarasu! (Dark Raven in Japanese...) It glows purple. I want it! Anywho, ttyalz later.
Feb 09, 2005 16:29
I have to find some way to put my rvb vids on my comp quickly and efficently... hmmm... maybe I can use my other CDRW... dunno, anyway. The day was boring. No more short wednesdays, blah... pep rally, blah... real fun. Ninjas do not do school spirit... That is not Ninja-esque...
Feb 06, 2005 01:05
Yeah, I'm here. Which is different form there, which is where I usually am. But yeah, late night about... 1:06... sittin, typin. Cool beans. Yeah. Super Bowl Commercials tomorrow! Yeah. TTYL!
Feb 03, 2005 15:46
Long day! Headache... so on, so forth... Yeah, short and sweet. Tired, gonna go call Amy. Later...