Bwaha! Just, bwaha. "Oh, I shagged Parkinson." *giggle* There were several points I laughed out loud.
One minor Britpick though:
Women. They were all completely nutters.
You don't say someone is "nutters." Nutter is always a noun, so you'd say "they were all complete nutters." I just noticed someone talking about this on my friends list the other day, so it was salient.
You will not believe my reaction when I got to the end of this story. I believe I had a look of abject horror and kept repeating the word "no" like a mantra. Of course, it didn't work. When I turned back to your memories section, it was still glaringly obvious that this was the last
( ... )
Sometimes I hate LJ. I commented back to you and LJ ate it.
Anyway, what I said was thank you a thousand times. This story became a lot more than I ever meant it to, and my readers... my friends... are being so supportive of it. It's been a fun story to write so far, and I only hope the rest of the story lives up to your expectations.
I've had great fun writing Pansy who, as it turns out, is just a bit softer, a bit more human than we saw her in "Sick." We get to see her emotions from this side, and they just made me love her more. I'm afraid she's quite won me over in these couple of stories, and that's probably never going to change. :)
Comments 14
One minor Britpick though:
Women. They were all completely nutters.
You don't say someone is "nutters." Nutter is always a noun, so you'd say "they were all complete nutters." I just noticed someone talking about this on my friends list the other day, so it was salient.
absolutely lovely, and I love Octavia's unexpected character development!! and how Ron admitted to Harry his "relationship" with Pansy ...
Keep up the good work!
I don't think it is drawn out at all. Seems to be taking a natural pace. A most enjoyable pace. Lovin it. *hugs*
Anyway, what I said was thank you a thousand times. This story became a lot more than I ever meant it to, and my readers... my friends... are being so supportive of it. It's been a fun story to write so far, and I only hope the rest of the story lives up to your expectations.
I've had great fun writing Pansy who, as it turns out, is just a bit softer, a bit more human than we saw her in "Sick." We get to see her emotions from this side, and they just made me love her more. I'm afraid she's quite won me over in these couple of stories, and that's probably never going to change. :)
Thanks so much for reading.
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