Áróra Sigrún was born on September 4th after 26 weeks and five days pregnancy. She was - and is - a tiny thing. Only 715 grams at birth. But she's plucky and stable and I'm hoping for the best.
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No updates for three months. Some stuff has happened.
My play opened. It was awsesome. My play closed. I was fast (but couldn't be helped). I moved. 12th issue of Spássían came out (here - see
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Good news friends. I don't have to move in with my dad - potentially ruining our relationship because we're both so dead set in our ways - since I just bought a new apartment today.
Here it is. The ad is still running although it'll probably be taken down soon. Aaaaaand it's gone. It's not furnished - houses in Iceland never are. I have to get a
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Yikes. Now I need to find a new place to live. Unless I shack up with my dad for a while. He's offered and I think he'd love to have me but I also think he's pretty set in his ways and we might end up driving each other crazy.
Eh - I have three months to make that decision. A lot can happen in three months.