freak yea, i'm excited! I'm heading OS just for a weekend...ko, well i'm heading to Tasmania with is only a 1hr flight, but there will def be sea underneath. I'm on my way down there to see an old friend Stu
how about that... writing something down here in my LJ has circulated round and biten me on the butt. It was in a comment and everything. This will make liddle sense to anyone but the grrl that talked. And i'm not anger at her, or disapointed. Truth be that i'm kinda glad that the truth got out. I'm crappy at me for not saying anything before
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i just found out that a friend of mine in Bris died about 6 months ago. I have no idea he was so sad. It's not like i knew him well or that i'd even spoken to him in nearly 4 years... but all i can think is that i've lost another friend. Jamsie, you sure made me laugh, and thanks for the VCR and 13 simpsons vids. Hours and hours of my life were
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yea yea happy australia day and all that. I kind of missed it. Last Tuesday night was mono-uber-cool. The night for me statred by dragging my poor parents into a mid-20s sinfest of a party. I forced alcohol down their throats and made some beautiful friends talk to them. Well, i had to do none of the above really. I love taking my parents to
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