(Warning: cheezy or overloaded server. May load slowly, or not at all. Keep trying, it's worth it). The horror of blimps."A LARGE SILENT MENACING PRESENCE WAS APPROACHING ME OUT OF THE GLOOM, AND IT COULD FLY!!!" ... "My metabolism went from "restful sleep mode" to HOLY SHIT! FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE OR DIE!!!! mode" in a nanosecond." ... " Without
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So, a strange thing happened the other day. After the lug meeting, I came home, to find somebody had IMed me. I answered, rather belatedly, and here's what happened...
If you recived an IM from me, or saw me on PM, or whatever, around 11PM EST today (technicialy speaking, yesterday), it wasn't me. I was asleep. It was one of my parents. I'm rather pissed. I'll yell at them tomorrow
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This entry is mainly a test to see if mozilla's automaticly check for changes will work on my friends page. However, since this has gotten me to actualy write a jounal entry, which I havn't in a while, I should at least say somthing... so here goes somthing
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I started to write about what's going on in my life now, but it's difficult for any number of reasons. Because it's emotionaly painful. Because I'm bad about writing about emotions. Because I keep finding more backstory I need to tell in order for things to make sense. Because I'm not sure what I should consider private, confidential, or
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