Title: Fantasy Fandom: Kanjani8 Rating: PG Pairing: Subaru/Yasu, Yoko/Maru Disclaimer: This is a fictional situation. Notes: This is a remix of Fantasist by parsnipchip for jentfic_remix. ♥ It's part of the naniwa_hospital 'verse. ;)
Eeeeee hospital au with crossdressing, my favourite kind *_*
Though now he wonders if that poor Maru is going to throw himself down the stairs just so he can be hospitalized again.
Oh I love your Maru, so so much *___* He's ridiculously M and him being at the mercy of Kimi and Subaru is perfect!
And a;sldkfjsad; the Subaru/Yasu! I like how you get a little into Subaru's head about the difference being a fantasy vs. being himself at home, and of course Yasu would be the type of person to understand that! I really liked those parts *_*
awwww at the end i almost thought it won't be a happy end! but this was the best <3 Yasu found out that Baru's a guy and likes him anyway, yay! \o/ because he's so gay lololol and they will go to lots of gigs, and go out eating, and, and... am i tooo into this fic? xD yasuba is the best♥
Comments 8
Though now he wonders if that poor Maru is going to throw himself down the stairs just so he can be hospitalized again.
Oh I love your Maru, so so much *___* He's ridiculously M and him being at the mercy of Kimi and Subaru is perfect!
And a;sldkfjsad; the Subaru/Yasu! I like how you get a little into Subaru's head about the difference being a fantasy vs. being himself at home, and of course Yasu would be the type of person to understand that! I really liked those parts *_*
I'm so glad you liked the fic!! And that you like the AU! This is one of my favorite things to write, to be honest, haha! XD
And I had so much fun writing the Yasuba part of this~! Thank you for your comment! ♥♥
God. I love when you write Yasuba! ♥
And I love Kimiko. I would want her to be my slutty nurse anyday. :Db
I love Kimiko tooooo! *_* She'd make such a good slutty nurse, LOL. XD
Thank you for your comment! ♥♥
and they will go to lots of gigs, and go out eating, and, and... am i tooo into this fic? xD
yasuba is the best♥
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