Title: After the Party
Fandom: Kanjani8
Rating: R
Pairing: Ryo/Subaru
Disclaimer: This is a fictional situation.
Notes: Written for
pashoshi's birthday. :D
More... notes: It has been literally FOREVER since I updated this journal! I feel like I'm a little rusty with the whole writing thing, so I hope this is a step in the right direction, haha~ :D
So it starts, officially, after Subaru's birthday with Subaru and Ryo outside of a quiet train station, tipsy, and wondering how they're supposed to go about getting home. )
Comments 25
<333333333333333333333333333 I'll never stop loving your fics, you amazing, you <3
<333333333333~ :D :D :D
Even Ohkura starts taking jibes at them when he's feeling brave enough (which is only funny because of how easy it is to turn it around on him). Oh Ohkura. ♥ This made me giggle far more than it should have, I would love a fic just based upon this conversation. LOLZ
Really great writing and feelings in this! <8
And I can totally picture them like that, being comfortable around each other even if still slightly awkward haha
Thanks for sharing, dear.
it´s amazing, I don´t know if you still write fics and specially SubaRyo fics but ... they´re my OTP and I loved it!!
Thank you very much! ♥
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